Review of the companies
that pay you to surf the web!
What about... getting paid while surfing the web as usual?
Sign up for these money making opportunities, and startimmediately to get paid for your time online!...Yes, It's true: you can make money surfing the web!!TheInternet revolution has started....
Here's a selection of the best "pay for surf" companies...!!!
CashSurfers Rating:
CashSurfers has over 1.2 million members from all over the world! Over $3,352,340.18 USD earned by CashSurfers users in the first 12 months! (largest check: $1205.95 ).The company is extremely affordable. You get paid for a maximum of four hours every day.
You can make money whatever you are doing, you don't have to be surfing!
SendMoreInfo Rating:
This is one of the oldest paid to read e-mail programs! almost 2 million members! Earn cash for every email ad you receive. To get credit for an ad, you must click on the URL included in each email. Payment is monthly when your account exceeds $10.
Referral structure: 1 level
Payout (you, lvl1, lvl2, etc.): 5¢, 2¢ (/msg)
Country Availability: International!!
InboxDollars Rating:
InboxDollars launched in July 1999, and have been paying members regulary. They will pay you 5 cents for each of your email, and 2 cents for each of your level 1 referrals. Payout is monthly when your account exceeds $10 via PayPal or $30 via check. You will receive emails pertaining to the interests you indicate when you sign up.
Payout (you, lvl1, lvl2, etc.): 5¢,2¢ (/msg)
Country Availability: International
Rating: ![]()
Program by RefMaker. Their RefRewards program is only a few months old, but it seems a very stron program with a 3 tier referral stucture. With the right number of referrals, this can be a very good program. Earn between $0.03 and $0.10 per email that you read and respond to. Referrals - earn $0.01 per email read by any referral for 3 levels. Random $5.00 for visiting a website. Also earn by completing surveys. Available internationally.
Spedia Rating: ![]()
It's the pay for surf company with the highest pay rates!! Spedia pays international members and the payout is based on advertising revenue received. They also pay you 25% of what your direct referrals earn. By being more active, you may also qualify for Spedia Premier Membership which entitles you to premium payouts that are 20-50% higher. You can also earn money for signing up for free offers and receiving mail.I've received a check by Spedia , and currently their pay rate is the best of all the pay for surf companies!!!
Please use my referrer id "908511" when you sign up!
Jackpot! Rating: ![]()
It is a cool slot machine that you can play for FREE inside your browser! Check out You can also play FREE games like Slots, Solitaire, Lotto and Bingo to win $1,000,000.00 and other great prizes!
ClickDough Rating:
Nothing to download! You go to the site and open up your personal window. It is a pop-up banner ad. They pay you 50% of the amount they charge advertisers for the ads that you view. For each partner you directly refer to ClickDough, they will pay you an additional 20% of the amount they earn. For each partner they refer, you get another 10%. And for each partner those partners refer, you get another 5%, all the way through eight levels of referrals!
CashADay is strictly a paid e-mail company. They are a relatively new company, but with a good payment history. You will receive emails pertaining to the interests you indicate when you sign up. You must click on a link in each email you receive to be paid for it. Available internationally.![]()
LottoForever Rating:
Every time you click on an advertising banner, you earn anywhere from 1 to 9 points. In addition, you receive 500 points whenever your referral requests payment. Payment can only be requested after you accumulate at least 5000 points. Their target exchange rate is 100 points = $1 USD!!!
UtopiAD Rating:
UtopiAD pays you to be online and read email ads. They share 58% of revenues with their members. Their original ad bar was compact and barely larger than the ad banner, but now they are moving to a standard size ad bar with additional fluff. Their paid to read email ads program pays you just for receving the ads (no response necessary), which is nice. Payout is quarterly when your account exceeds $20.
Webbullion Rating: ![]()
The smallest bar available and stacks well with others. You are awarded 10 points an hour for surfing which are converted at the end of the month. Their payrate was 10c/hr but since their change to points works out at 1.5c/hr! Unlimited hours. Rates raised for November 2000.
MailForEurope Rating:
Despite the name. MailForEurope is available worldwide and you can be paid in either Euros or US Dollars. A basic paid to read email program. Rates below are in Euros and the earnings are unlimited provided the advertisers are in place.
First emails sent out
EmailPaysU Rating: ![]()
EmailPaysU released their program in January 2001 and began immediate paid emails. There seems to be a lot of popularity with this one so it may be one for the future. Only two referral levels and lower rates than some paid email.
Emails being sent often. To make it even better they
will give you $10 just to join up.
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